1. Discipline
  2. Every student should make an effort to keep the tone and fair name of the school by excelling in good manners. S/he must always exercise self discipline.
  3. Students should be courteous, communicate respectfully with others and allow others to express their views. They should treat all other students equal to self. They should respect the rights and property of others. They must always work and behave honestly and fairly.
  4. Come to class prepared and participate in it. Complete all class work, homework and assignments on time.
  5. Contribute positively to the school betterment wherever possible. Help teachers, staff and students in an appropriate manner whenever required / possible. Follow the direction of all teachers, management, administration and support staff.
  6. Bad language, bullying and disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. Students against whom there are repeated complaints, or who are unable or unwilling to benefit from the system of education are liable for suspension or expulsion.
  7. Personal hygiene and cleanliness are mandatory for all students.
  8. Running or shouting in the school premises is strictly prohibited.
  9. Attendance
  10. Parents / Guardians should see that their children do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances as it badly hampers the progress of the pupil.
  11. Parents / Guardians should send a leave letter of absence for their child in prescribed format given in last page.
  12. In case of absence without prior permission, the child, on coming to school must have the reason of absence entered in leave letter and medical certificate attached.
  13. A student suffering from infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the school.
  14. Irregular attendance and habitual absence will call for dismissal from the school.
  15. A student must secure minimum 80% of attendance in each Term of the academic year.

III. Punctuality

  1. The student should be in the school premises before the school bell.
  2. School Gates will be closed at the commencement of assembly. However with the permission from the school authority, a student is permitted to join the class before the start of 1st period.
  3. Students are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal / Vice Principal / Coordinator.
  4. Responsibility of sending the child to school on time and taking him / her back after school rests entirely on the parent/guardian.
  5. School hours are specified by the school authorities from time to time.
  6. School Assembly
  7. Students must line up for the Assembly before 5 minutes to the bell.
  8. Assembly is conducted every day by the designated class in rotation. The Vice Principal / Principal / Director will address the assembly and important announcements are made and Awards are distributed to students who bring laurels to the school. 
  9. Each week of assemblies has its own theme based on moral values. Refer year plan for the themes. 
  10. Special Assembly is celebrated on state/national/international designated days.
  11. Classroom Rules
  12. LISTEN AND FOLLOW directions.
  13. RAISE YOUR HAND before speaking or leaving your seat.
  14. KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET to yourself.
  15. RESPECT your school, your classmates and your teachers.
  16. Fee
  17. A part of School Fees should be paid at the time of new admission/re-admission. Remaining to be paid in six monthly instalments. Refer the letter provided at the time of admission.
  18. Full payment of Fee at the time of admission will get Rs.2,000 discount.
  19. Fees should not be sent with students. 

VII. Uniform

  1. Children should be in proper uniform: 

Monday and Thursday:


Nursery to Class 10:

Sky Blue Shirt with Grey Shorts/Pant AND Belt, black socks and black shoes

Class 1 – 5 : Grey Vase coat 

Class 6 – 10 : School Tie


Nursery to UKG:

Grey Pinafore with Black Bloomer 

Class 1 – 10:

Grey Mantho with Black Duppatta/Scarf 

Tuesday and Friday:


Nursery to UKG:

Checks Shirt with Blue Shorts AND Belt, black socks and black shoes


Nursery to UKG:

Blue Skirt with Checks Shirt 

Wednesday and Saturday:


Nursery to Class 10:

Blue T- Shirt with Black Track Pant 


Nursery to UKG:

Blue T- Shirt with Black Track Pant 

Class 1 – 10:

Blue Mantho and Black Track Pant with Black Duppatta/Scarf

  1. Black Shoes and Black Socks are compulsory on all the days.
  2. Cap must be worn in all P.E. Periods.
  3. Girls with long hair should have it neatly tied. Hair-bands and clips should be black in colour. Any kind of makeup and nail polish is not allowed. Colouring of hair, inappropriate hair styling, Eye make-up, fancy hair clips etc. are strictly prohibited.
  4. Boys to keep their hair short with a simple hair cut. Boys’ hair must be cut above the collar level. No fancy hair cuts are permitted. Colouring of hair, inappropriate hair styling and body tattoos are not permissible.
  5. Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments, or bring any valuable articles to school. The school is not responsible for loss of any such articles brought by the students.
  6. Every parent/guardian is requested to see that their child wears clean and neat uniform prescribed by the school.

VIII. Books, Homework and Diary 

  1. Relevant books, neatly covered should be brought as per the time-table.
  2. Parents must ensure that the homework is completed and sent along with student as per the homework time-table.
  3. Assignments in every subject are part of assessment. Parents are advised to ensure that the students take these assignments seriously and submit them for evaluation on the specified dates mentioned in the School Diary.
  4. The School Diary is a medium of communication between parents and teachers. The child should carry the Diary to school daily. 
  5. The diary must be checked and signed by the parent/guardian daily.
  6. Lunch
  7. Snacks and Lunch Box should be sent to school with the student
  8. Child’s Tiffin should have healthy and fresh food. Do not send/bring any junk foods. Always carry a water bottle.
  9. On Birthdays only a sweet/candy/chocolate/pencil can be distributed by the child. We do not allow anything more than this. However school makes your child’s birthday a special one by calling him on the stage in school assembly and whole school sings for his well-being and a greeting card is presented to birthday boy/girl.
  10. School Facilities
  11. Use and share all the school facilities appropriately and respectfully.
  12. Food and drinks are not allowed in any of the facility in school.
  13. Library: Students have to maintain perfect silence in Library. Students have to take care of the books. 
  14. Computer Lab: The Computer in the lab to be used only for academic purpose. They are not to be used for any form of entertainment. 
  15. Science and Math Labs: Students have to take utmost care of Lab equipments, useable and consumables while doing experiments. Teachers’ and Lab attendants’ instructions should be followed all the time in the Labs.
  16. Digi-school: Students are asked to take all precautions and follow instructions while using Interactive Boards and other equipment in Digi-school.
  17. Noble Talents: Students are motivated to contribute their articles, art, facts, literature, creative writing etc. The selection is entirely at the discreet of the editorial committee. Students are recommended to buy the magazine on its release to cover its printing cost.
  18. Playgrounds and Sports Facilities: Students are required to actively participate in sports and PT in allocated periods. Any student needing to be excused from PT or games must produce parent’s letter along with a doctor’s certificate to support the request.
  19. Garden Areas: Do not litter the garden / field/ common places. Do not pluck the flowers or leaves from the plants. You are welcome to water the plants in your free time.
  20. Washrooms: Try to use the washrooms in breaks only. Remember to flush the toilet after use. Wash your hands thoroughly after your business. Do not waste the water unnecessarily.
  21. Swimming Pool
  22. Swimming is strictly prohibited in the absence of a life guard. 
  23. Beginners should remain at the TODDLER pool. 
  24. Diving is not permissible.
  25. Drinking and eating in the pool or in the paved area around the pool are prohibited.
  26. Never push any one into the pool as horse play is not permitted in the pool and never swim beyond your capacity.
  27. Never swim with metallic object like ring, watch, neck chain etc. 
  28. Swimming costume is must for all using the swimming pool. 
  29. Any person having open cuts, wounds and eye infection or any other communicable disease are not allowed to enter the pool.
  30. Students must take shower before & after entering the swimming pool. If necessary they are advised to use soap to remove any oil from hair.
  31. If any student violates any of the above mentioned rules, he will not be permitted to swim in the Term.

XII. School Property

  1. Any damage, destruction or defacing of school property must be made repaired, replaced or good by those responsible. 
  2. Breakages in the laboratories must be compensated.
  3. Loss of books in the Library must be compensated at its double cost. 
  4. The school is not responsible for any loss and thefts of student’s property. Students should not bring expensive watches, pens and other valuables to School.

XIII. Accident in School

  1. The parents will hold the institution indemnified against all claims arising through illness or accident, resulting in any sort of injury, disability or death during the stay of the child in the School or on transit, tour, excursion, trip or trek. 
  2. The principal or any other staff member, officiating as the principal, is authorized to take necessary action on behalf of parents/guardian, in case a student has to be given consent in an emergency, or for any other emergent condition, when their consent cannot be obtained in time.
  3. All medical expenses are to be borne by the parents and will be charged in the child’s account. 

XIV. School Excursions

  1. The cost of some school trips would be an additional charge which would be intimated in advance and to be paid within the announced date. 
  2. The parent will have to sign a consent form. 
  3. Attendance at these trips is not compulsory but would be preferred. 
  4. School will take adequate safety measures during these field trips.  However the school or the management or the bus contractor shall not be held responsible for any injury, accident or damage.
  5. Tests and Assessments
  6. Attendance in Tests and Assessments is compulsory. If any student is absent for test or assessment due to any reason there will be no re-test conducted.
  7. Overdue fee payment and 80% of attendance are compulsory to issue the hall ticket to Tests or Assessments.
  8. The student is expected to secure minimum percentage. Annual Grades are considered for the promotion to the next class. 
  9. Malpractices in examinations will be dealt according to the prevailing examination rules and by-laws.

XVI. Examination Rules:

  1. Hall Ticket is compulsory on all exams.
  2. Sit at the desk where your ID number is allotted 
  3. Follow the invigilator’s instructions, if you have any problems put up your hand 
  4. Students are not allowed to have the following in the exam room:
  5. Any electronic device (An electronic device is anything that can store, communicate and/or retrieve information) 
  6. Any paper – except your Hall Ticket

iii. Any notes in any form. 

  1. During exam students are not allowed to:  
  2. Talk to, communicate with or disturb other candidates
  3. Copy another candidate’s answers
  4. Leave the exam room within the first 1 hour or the last 30 minutes of the exam
  5. Use only black or blue pen. Red and green pens are for the usage of evaluators
  6. Write neatly, so the evaluator can read your answers
  7. Additional sheets will be provided if you have completely filled the main answer booklet.
  8. A candidate found guilty of any of the unfair means mentioned above:

(a) day’s examination may be cancelled for the candidate.

(b) may be disqualified from the examination in that year 

(c) in serious/repeated cases, may permanently be expelled from school.

XVII. Parental Cooperation and Interference

  1. Parents are requested to co-operate in all the school activities. 
  2. The students must be encouraged to take part in all the extra and co-curricular activities organized by the School.
  3. Parents are not permitted to enter the classrooms. A parent/guardian wishing to meet the child in the school should report to the admin front desk and seek prior permission of the Principal.
  4. Parent may meet the Director / Principal / Coordinator / Class Teacher between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. only, unless there is an emergency. 
  5. Parents/Guardians are expected to attend all Parent-Teacher Conferences. They are expected to go through the reports of their children given by the school from time to time.
  6. Private tuition are not encouraged. Private tutors should not be engaged without prior permission of the Principal.
  7. The responsibility of the school authorities ceases immediately after the school timing and jurisdiction.
  8. School is not responsible for any accident causing any injury or any consequence in school premises or in school vans. 

XVIII. Mobile Phones, Electronic Gadgets and Cash

  1. Electronic devices / mobile phones are not permitted inside the School Campus. If confiscated for the first time they will have to pay a fine 
  2. Repetition of the same offense will result in a fine and the gadget will be returned only at the end of the Academic Year.
  3. Parents are requested to check the bag and pockets in home on embankment to the school. 
  4. Students are not allowed to bring large sums of money to the school or items of great value. Students should be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. School will not be responsible for loss of any item.

XIX. Privacy

  1. The school will take care to preserve the confidentiality of information concerning the pupil.
  2. The school may include some photographs or images of the pupils in the school promotional materials such as prospectus/website/print, electronic or social media.  Parents who do not want their child’s photograph or image to appear in any of the school’s promotional material must write to the principal requesting an acknowledgement of the letter.
  3. In case of any dispute, parents are requested to use the grievances redress procedures available within the institution before proceeding for further action.  The school would take recourse to alternate dispute resolution processes like conciliation, mediation, arbitration at which the parent would be required to participate.
  4. Withdrawal
  5. On parent’s request: If the parent wishes to withdraw the student at the end of the academic year, a prescribed application has to be submitted along with no due certificate. Transfer Certificate has to be collected before 30th of April.
  6. On poor academic performance: As per the board guidelines. 
  7. On disciplinary grounds: In the interest of the school and students, principal may order withdrawal of a student from the school, should the student’s conduct, behaviour or influence in the opinion of the Principal, be detrimental to the general discipline/ interest of the school. 
  8. On medical grounds: The school will arrange a thorough medical examination of students every year if a student is found medically unfit at any stage, and in the opinion of the competent medical authority the disability is likely to render him unfit will be withdrawn at once. 
  9. On non-payment of fees: All fees are payable as per the schedule. If dues are not received by the fifth day of the date by which they are to be paid a reminder will be sent informing the parent /guardian that the amount due is to be paid. The school leaving / transfer certificate will, however, not be issued until all dues are cleared to the school.